Training for professionals
Maximise your effectiveness with Polish families!
The Polish community is the largest homogenous minority group in the UK – about 1 million Polish nationals live in England and Wales (Census 2021 - 743,000, Home Office Settlement Scheme September 2024 - 1,050,611). Most of them are settled, and many are fully assimilated into British society. However, some families struggle to adapt to their new reality, having historical issues brought with them to the UK or where they have encountered additional difficulties in functioning as a happy and harmonious family unit.​​
How can we help?
Course for British professionals
Working with Polish families
Our course will help you explore the issues affecting the lives of Polish people living in the UK so you can recognise them and respond to them with confidence when you work with Polish people or support them in your professional roles. The course will also help you to support other nationals from Central and Eastern Europe as there are many cross-cutting themes.
Course objectives:
Understand the main cultural differences and explain how they may affect the behaviour of the Polish people living in the UK
List the main barriers to accessing support and building engagement with agencies
Name risk factors for victims and children in Polish families affected by domestic violence
Understand mental health problems in the Polish community
Explore effective ways of reaching out to Polish families and engaging with them
Understand how children learn languages and the importance of using their native language
Understand the role of interpreters and best practices in using them​
Who is this course for:
We delivered this course successfully to professionals working for domestic abuse agencies, children's services, health services, schools, housing associations, probation, police and other agencies from the statutory and voluntary sector.​​
Six hours
Because we appreciate that your time is valuable, we aim to deliver the courses at your place of work on a date that suits you. We offer the course in any location in England and Wales.
About the facilitator​
The training has been designed and is delivered by Ewa Wilcock, the Managing Director of Vesta - Specialist Family Support CIC. She founded the first UK-wide Polish domestic violence helpline in 2014. It was a shortlisted finalist for the prestigious Diversity Award in the gender category in 2017 as a recognition for the work supporting Polish women who experienced domestic abuse. She set up the first website for Polish victims of domestic violence in the UK with information about support options available to them here. She is a qualified IDVA and worked as a specialist domestic abuse worker for Cheshire Without Abuse. She is an accredited facilitator of the Gateway Programme (domestic abuse) and the Nurturing Programme (parenting). She adapted both programmes to Polish and successfully delivered them to groups and individuals.
She led the delivery of various projects specifically for Polish families across England and Wales. She supported Polish families in the UK for over ten years, promoted their rights, and raised awareness about domestic violence in Polish families living in the UK through conferences, blogs and expert advice at domestic homicide review panels and consultations. Ewa is a sociologist by profession (MA) and a qualified interpreter (DPSI).
What our clients say?
"A couple of my team members told me they wanted to have more awareness about the Polish community and how we can improve positive engagement. Vesta SFS CIC provided us with some real insight, useful tips and an understanding of how to communicate and show respect when initially meeting with members of the Polish community. It was very clear that they are knowledgeable and experienced in working with victims of domestic abuse. They gave us invaluable advice on supporting victims when they approach our housing options service." - Housing Options Manager, Eden Housing Association in Penrith.
"I found Vesta’s session on working with Polish families very insightful. Not only has it given me the understanding and knowledge to signpost and support families from a Polish background, but it also gives me the confidence to advise the schools I support too." - Education Welfare Officer, Cheshire.
"I thought the training you provided was excellent and so very useful." - Team Counselling Co-ordinator, Denbighshire Independent Young Persons’ Counselling Service.
"Great overview of lots of areas. Cultural info is very useful when communicating with families."
"My knowledge was very limited prior to this course. I feel that I am more aware and mindful of cultural differences"
"Brilliant day, at a good pace, plenty of activities throughout the day" - Professionals attending our course in Bedfordshire.
"I will build elements into our commissioning practice such as inviting representatives of Polish organisations to engage in developement & publicising use of interpreters"
"Watching videos of DA victims talking about their experiences of services in the UK made me feel more aware of how explanation is vital"
"The interactive sessions - really aided learning" - Professionals who attended our course in Lincoln.​
"I thought the way the course was delivered was great, I think Ewa helped all of us in the course to understand the barriers that polish families may experience when working with professionals. It will definitely help me in my future practice, not only with polish families, but any families who are not born in the UK." - Social worker in Cheshire East
"I found it useful to look at domestic abuse and mental health issues in Polish families in depth"
"Excellent skills and knowledge of the facilitator" - Cafcass professionals in South Wales
Course for Polish professionals
Domestic abuse in Polish families
Our course will help Polish-speaking professionals explore domestic abuse in Polish families living in the UK.
They will learn to recognise abuse and respond to it with confidence when they work with Polish people or support them in their professional roles.
Course objectives:​
understand the main types of domestic abuse
list the main barriers to accessing support
recognise signs of abuse
understand the key aspects of support offered to victims, children, and perpetrators in the UK
know how to respond to domestic abuse and support victims
Who is the course for:
Polish professionals
business owners
people who offer services to the Polish community
work with them or employ them
4 hours
Courses are delivered online via Zoom.
The course is delivered by experienced Polish-speaking practitioners specialising in assisting Polish victims of domestic abuse at all risk levels in crisis situations and in long-term recovery. They have supported Polish people who have experienced abuse in the UK for over ten years.